Monday, September 14, 2009

Celebrate what?

The church which we've attended over the last year has introduced a 'Celebrate Recovery' program this year, which originates from good ole Rick Warren's church. I won't get into discussing him in this posting.

Now, not to get into details but suffice it to say, I have had a lot of experience throughout my Christian walk with deception and deceptive teachings and experiences. Call it a sensitivity or just a suspicious mind but I pondered what this was all about, so I did what most people would do. I did a google search and Dave Hunt and Tom McMahon explains things better than I could.

Have a look:

I love many Calvary Chapel pastors who came from the worst backgrounds before they were saved. I also love their response when asked about 'christian' 12-step programs. I've heard them say that they went through a 1-step program all the way to The Cross and surrendered totally to Jesus.

I realize that we all have our hurts, hangups, issues, addictions. Whatever you want to call them, but if we are under the teaching of The Word of God and getting into The Word of God yourself, what could be better than that in changing these issues as you look onto Jesus?

Once again, The Church wants to go to the world system with all of its psychological nonsense and place that above The Word of God.

I wonder how Paul and the other Apostles helped The Church in their day without the help of Freud, Jung, etc. Interesting thought to ponder. Well?

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