Saturday, September 19, 2009

Obama a fool!

Have a look at this first before reading on:

But you know what? People don't care and words of any sense are falling on deaf ears. Is this indicative of our society? I believe the Evil one has so influenced our society over many years that people do not think critically when it comes to sensible, moral or ethical matters.

This young generation has a philosophy and it is whatever they see on MTV or the junk which they view in the theatres and on the tv. It is a philosophy of the big 'ME' and nothing else matters. (If you don't believe me by the way, just try driving through an intersection where one of them is walking and they are seen texting whoever, thinking that everyone will stop for them because the world simply revolves around them)

People are being molded to just follow anything which 'feels good'. Those of you who are old enough to remember when that idea came out, and now we are NEVER to judge anyone who does anything contrary to what we think is right, no matter how disgusting, how immoral, how perverse it is.

Enter Obama. This man personifies ignorance and arrogance all in one. No matter what your views on health care are, he is attempting to re-arrange the US and turn it into a socialist country. I don't know about you, but when I was in my teens the USSR was a mighty big force to be reckoned with and all of us lived in the shadow of wondering when their missiles would be seen from a short distance, but eventually, it fell apart because socialism doesn't work. It is a failed ideal.

Now, let's look at Israel. Obama doesn't have a clue what he is doing or maybe he does but not to the full extent that he should. Perhaps he needs a personal encounter with Ha Shem - The Almighty!

We all know what has happened throughout history to nations which play games with Israel. Pick a nation. Any nation. Study the history of that nation when they decided to bully the Jewish people. They all came to nought and to grief.

Eventually, it will be agreed upon (and to some degree, it is already is by some, no matter how wrong it is to think such a thing) that Israel is the reason for the middle east's troubles and the solution is to eliminate them. You never will!!! Mr. Obama! YOU NEVER WILL!!!

So, maybe Mr. Obama will follow in the footsteps of the Hamans and Hitlers, but look where they are now, Mr. Obama, and Israel still thrives.

Such a man who tries to repeat these steps is nothing but a fool!

Monday, September 14, 2009

Celebrate what?

The church which we've attended over the last year has introduced a 'Celebrate Recovery' program this year, which originates from good ole Rick Warren's church. I won't get into discussing him in this posting.

Now, not to get into details but suffice it to say, I have had a lot of experience throughout my Christian walk with deception and deceptive teachings and experiences. Call it a sensitivity or just a suspicious mind but I pondered what this was all about, so I did what most people would do. I did a google search and Dave Hunt and Tom McMahon explains things better than I could.

Have a look:

I love many Calvary Chapel pastors who came from the worst backgrounds before they were saved. I also love their response when asked about 'christian' 12-step programs. I've heard them say that they went through a 1-step program all the way to The Cross and surrendered totally to Jesus.

I realize that we all have our hurts, hangups, issues, addictions. Whatever you want to call them, but if we are under the teaching of The Word of God and getting into The Word of God yourself, what could be better than that in changing these issues as you look onto Jesus?

Once again, The Church wants to go to the world system with all of its psychological nonsense and place that above The Word of God.

I wonder how Paul and the other Apostles helped The Church in their day without the help of Freud, Jung, etc. Interesting thought to ponder. Well?

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Are there any literate teens anymore?

It amazes me how teens today seem to be entrenched in so much technology yet lacking any kind of intelligence. Let me explain. If you greet any of them, they just don't know how to respond. When asked a question, they shrug their shoulders, mostly I would submit, because they don't understand what you are asking, unless it has to do with i-pods, cell phones, teen movies or programs like Miley Cyrus who is neither funny nor intelligent.

Yeah, I know I sound like a typical middle-aged man but you see, even when I was a child and was into my teens, I would hold the door for someone, say 'please' and 'thank-you'. I even could carry on a conversation with adults, but nowadays, you have to speak 'baby talk' in case you use a word with more than one syllable with many teens.

For those of you who are the exception, I apologize, in fact, I would love to apologize to many teens for what I just said, but sadly, it is just a common thing that teens are not into reading and learning and getting some sort of education. Everything is dumbed down, even the news, like City-TV, with quick blurbs, constant commercial breaks, because we don't want to overload the poor teens who are watching and must send another machine gun round of text messages to their friends about...who knows what.

I have often said that I don't want to live to be old because by the time I start to break down and need help, these teens will be looking after me. I almost shudder to think of it. Imagine when I need my oxygen but the little darling looking after me just HAS to send a text message about some useless piece of information, or just HAS to look at herself in the mirror for the upteenth time, only to find me unconscious by the I get some help. No thanks. I'd rather die a little bit younger than be predisposed to such neglect by this generation of teens.

I believe that if our so-called education system still taught 'Elmer the Elephant' safety rules (anybody remember him?). If only they taught courtesy, manners and the likes, instead of telling little Johnny something so as not to hurt his self-esteem, then maybe we'd have more teens who were in touch with their humanity than in touch with the latest update of whatever cell phone, i-pod, or useless technology is out there nowadays.

Friday, September 11, 2009

9/11 eight years later.

I wonder if we are going to forget 9/11 because we don't like to think about what (or who) brought it on. I know that people feel uncomfortable with thinking about it because...well...if we can only just get along and love each other...blahh, blahh, blahh...

The truth of the matter is, there is a dominant force known as Islam and it has a mandate. Just take a look at the historical data (maybe not in the politically correct re-written history texts) but you will find many 'Christian' nations throughout the history of Islam were forcibly taken over. Lebanon comes to mind but there were many others too, many years before its demise.

Just look at the UK as well as many parts of Europe where Islamic aggression (maybe not all with bombs and guns and be-headings) within the political arena to lash out against anyone calling Islam a force to be reckoned with. It is considered politically incorrect to say such things and people are made to feel that they are trouble makers, but in the the history books. They tell of a past which once was and will be bound to repeat itself within North America, if we keep telling ourselves 'tis not true.

Ignorance is not bliss. You will wake up one day and wonder why your sleep has been hampered by the call to prayer from the Islamic mosques in your neighbourhood, then you will your history books.