Friday, September 11, 2009

9/11 eight years later.

I wonder if we are going to forget 9/11 because we don't like to think about what (or who) brought it on. I know that people feel uncomfortable with thinking about it because...well...if we can only just get along and love each other...blahh, blahh, blahh...

The truth of the matter is, there is a dominant force known as Islam and it has a mandate. Just take a look at the historical data (maybe not in the politically correct re-written history texts) but you will find many 'Christian' nations throughout the history of Islam were forcibly taken over. Lebanon comes to mind but there were many others too, many years before its demise.

Just look at the UK as well as many parts of Europe where Islamic aggression (maybe not all with bombs and guns and be-headings) within the political arena to lash out against anyone calling Islam a force to be reckoned with. It is considered politically incorrect to say such things and people are made to feel that they are trouble makers, but in the the history books. They tell of a past which once was and will be bound to repeat itself within North America, if we keep telling ourselves 'tis not true.

Ignorance is not bliss. You will wake up one day and wonder why your sleep has been hampered by the call to prayer from the Islamic mosques in your neighbourhood, then you will your history books.

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